
  • Опубликовано: 17 мар 2025
  • out friday

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @brianh5844
    @brianh5844 Месяц назад +49

    "I've thought an awful lot about Jesus, even more about Lao Tzu
    They say the way of the Tao is to do not, well what the hell am I supposed to do?"
    Love it.

  • @bbhahaloljk
    @bbhahaloljk Месяц назад +47

    This kid is one of those people who shows up in the world at just the right time. A legend in the making.

    • @rickyelvis3215
      @rickyelvis3215 10 дней назад

      He is so Dylanesque it’s uncanny 🎶

  • @npersonthepersonperson
    @npersonthepersonperson Месяц назад +261

    I was there when Welles went electric haha

    • @Gleeb_glorb
      @Gleeb_glorb Месяц назад +52

      He’s been electric 😭

    • @npersonthepersonperson
      @npersonthepersonperson Месяц назад +9

      ​@Gleeb_glorb im sure, i just recently started following the channel :)

    • @UntetheredBanshee
      @UntetheredBanshee Месяц назад +27

      If it makes you feel better since he started this channel he's only posted as acoustic stuff I think. Except for the couple shorts recently where he was showing his recording process. He's had two other bands that he rolled toward with before he gave up and then started again on the solo acoustic stuff. You can find that under Welles, and a band named Dead Indian And I'm not sure if that has like a nicer deeper meaning than it sounds or if he was younger and it was edgy lol.

    • @DaveDuncanMusic
      @DaveDuncanMusic Месяц назад +11

      Then you're late lol

    • @npersonthepersonperson
      @npersonthepersonperson Месяц назад +7

      @@UntetheredBanshee that does make me feel better haha, definitely gonna check that stuff out

  • @LordeMarsh
    @LordeMarsh Месяц назад +145

    "im singing this song about loving all the people you come to hate" love it. We gotta protect his man at all cost, we know how the power that be feel about those spreading compassion

    • @basshawg
      @basshawg Месяц назад +5

      Look up Jesus. I think He talked about the whole love thy enemy.

    • @Valin9275
      @Valin9275 Месяц назад +4

      Right because we did such a good job protecting Luigi.

    • @xtinemarie11
      @xtinemarie11 Месяц назад +1

      Yes, exactly! 💜

  • @farrisbuellersweekoff
    @farrisbuellersweekoff Месяц назад +31

    Never heard someone so down to earth and yet out of this world. Jesse don’t stop, this is what the people need.

  • @Rambunctiousrainbow
    @Rambunctiousrainbow Месяц назад +23

    This song feels like an antidote to the pervasive bleakness that’s been so hard to shake lately. Thank you ❤️

  • @sindex
    @sindex Месяц назад +25

    Love the acoustic in the woods, love the whole band in studio. It's been years since I've been this impressed by a singer/songwriter, and I can't wait for Friday if this is getting officially released.

  • @roberth.retallickr.n.8069
    @roberth.retallickr.n.8069 Месяц назад +26

    Luigi and Jesse. The hero’s we’ve been waiting for.

    • @wizardof6
      @wizardof6 Месяц назад +1

      Artist - Yes ....Murderer- Hard No

  • @MusicisWin
    @MusicisWin Месяц назад +16

    Absolutely incredible man, this shit gives me chills

  • @thestraydawgs
    @thestraydawgs Месяц назад +30

    Sounds great with the full band. Hoping you become the "new Boss" , but not same as the "old Boss". No offense to Bruce, Bob or Pete, but sooner or later, all us old dogs are going to fade away. America and the World needs new voices. Voices that speak truth to power. This kind of recording is going to get you noticed more than just playing solo on the acoustic.

    • @BonaFideMugsie1
      @BonaFideMugsie1 Месяц назад +6

      As the ex-wife of a former punk rock drummer, I agree. We NEED to hear the voices of Gen Z! Let’s elevate true musicians like Jesse!! “Make Art, Not War”!!!!!!!!!!

    • @susansprague7304
      @susansprague7304 Месяц назад +3

      Well said!

    • @thestraydawgs
      @thestraydawgs Месяц назад

      @@susansprague7304 Thanks, Lew Dawg Cloninger, The Stray Dawgs, Plantation, Florida and Westlake Village, California

    • @puttervids472
      @puttervids472 Месяц назад

      @@BonaFideMugsie1. As the father of a 16 year old , be very careful what you ask for. The climate they grew up in has pushed the males to a position of defiance that you won’t recognize . And I don’t mean in a punk kind of way.
      Preface this by saying that I’m a pretty center guy. Freedom and liberty believer. Fairness believer and I practice what I preach. But I’ve noticed that the kids are done With the idea of inclusion. Of feminism , and of suffering fools. They’re tired of being demonized. And they’re acting on it. I saw a class of 4.5 -5.0 students basically shame an English teacher out of a job. Because if her repeated dislocated idea that boys were to be kind to girls during debates , but refusing to make the girls reciprocate. Several boys got bad marks for not inserting their thoughts in a timed exercise, and then next time see around berated for forcefully speaking over the girls to get a word out. Damned if you do damned if you don’t. So they staged a mutiny of sorts and ran her from her own class. These are boys with zero past issue with causing trouble. Last week when speaking to my wife about an employee problem she has in the office. My son walks in. Listens for a while and then interrupts and says “ fire her. Problem solved. “. And it was hard to argue with , because he’s actually correct. But the 45 year old me empathizes with anyone losing a good job as this one is. My point is that , I’ve been studying on voting habits etc of Gen z. 😂. They are tired of the doom path we’re on. So I hope you aren’t for free love , peace and status quo. Because it’s about to get upended forever. And I’m pretty sure the status quo knew that , and that’s why the flood of new voters was let in. Times. They are a changing.

    • @wizardof6
      @wizardof6 Месяц назад +2

      @ I'd love to hear from GenZ. I'm still waiting🤔Jesse's a millennial btw.

  • @obsoleteelite8258
    @obsoleteelite8258 Месяц назад +23

    I’m a struggling musician that is starting to record music. Jesse Wells is quickly becoming my power animal! I’m age 40, late bloomer, better now than never.

    • @IsaacHozz
      @IsaacHozz Месяц назад +2

      It's never too late my guy, good luck!

    • @wizardof6
      @wizardof6 Месяц назад +1

      Give it your all !!! Wishing you the best!

    • @T4nkcommander
      @T4nkcommander Месяц назад

      @@obsoleteelite8258 and yet all you do is bash Oliver Anthony in most of your comments. If you aren't a bot then you are going to have a rough time as a musician.

    • @obsoleteelite8258
      @obsoleteelite8258 28 дней назад +1

      @@T4nkcommander That’s a lie from you. I might have briefly brought him up once or twice. But nice try MAGAT.
      Also, music comes first nature to me. Sorry to bust your bubble. I don’t need any advice from you kid, your mom is calling you upstairs for a hot pocket.
      And yeah, honestly, Oliver Anthony (aka fudge round boy) was a joke of a tool that was propped up by MAGA. He is also politically incoherent. And everybody knows that Nazis can’t be hippies. So screw him. Also, musicians have beef with other musicians all the time. So get used to it.

    • @obsoleteelite8258
      @obsoleteelite8258 23 дня назад

      @@T4nkcommander First of all, that’s a lie. I might have mentioned Oliver a couple times. You’re a creeper for following me around. Furthermore, Oliver Anthony was MAGA astroturf. Lastly, musicians have beef with eachother all the time. That doesn’t determine how well one does as a musician. Also, even though I said I’m struggling, it’s for other reasons than being a musician. And I’m actually quite proud of my accomplishments as a musician!

  • @owenlangley3480
    @owenlangley3480 Месяц назад +12

    Been waiting for jesse welles goes electric..blown away youre a US rock n roll inspiration sir. Huge amdiration love and respect from the UK♥️🔥

  • @rickwasson9233
    @rickwasson9233 Месяц назад +13

    My day isn’t complete until I soak in some Jesse magic. As a 70 year old I almost gave up hope for someone like JW to arrive. Refreshing

  • @benumbed-n-beknighted
    @benumbed-n-beknighted Месяц назад +19

    "So I'm singing this song about loving/All the people that you've come to hate"
    He is literally calling us to do the hard thing, the thing we are supposed to be able to find a way to do... love the very people who are hardest for us to love.... "Love is not the answer. It is the assignment." -MLK jr 🥹 ❤️‍🔥 ☀️

    • @adamsmith307
      @adamsmith307 Месяц назад

      Are those King's own words? I recently learned that he never wrote his speeches himself.

  • @wardwhitneyspring
    @wardwhitneyspring Месяц назад +11

    Jesse Welles is a song factory cranking out the hits.

  • @RobertBell-n8k
    @RobertBell-n8k Месяц назад +16

    Love it all. Solo acoustic, full band… all top notch!! Band sounds amazing!

  • @LaurenF-lz6rv
    @LaurenF-lz6rv 7 дней назад +9

    This music is what I've been waiting for. We need this so much now.

  • @yovogo
    @yovogo Месяц назад +16

    So cool to see a post with the full band!

  • @Calimbandil87
    @Calimbandil87 Месяц назад +13

    So I've been listening to this on repeat since it came out, belting it in my car, in the shower, just unable to get it out of my mind. I've been on a Jesse Welles trip for a while now but now I'm just obsessed. Fucking great song!

    • @briangrunewald-cz6qe
      @briangrunewald-cz6qe Месяц назад +1

      Same here found him by total accident..always on his play list now

  • @willhunt7355
    @willhunt7355 Месяц назад +29

    NY times article's happening!!

  • @MF-qf7bs
    @MF-qf7bs Месяц назад +17

    "I wish I paid more attention, to the bigger things I didn't see. " I wish I could unsee the things I think I've seen. Like the hate and dumbness and cruelty of stupidity. Thank you to everyone involved with this musical production. Jesse is a highly talented singer/musician/songwriter and I hope to hear you all again soon.

  • @karmakuntz
    @karmakuntz Месяц назад +10

    Love the drummer and bassist smile at each other bc they love the lyrics too 1:05

  • @carolynn2176
    @carolynn2176 Месяц назад +12

    Jesse, your songs buoy so many of us. I appreciate your songwriting and music so much.

  • @lshwadchuck5643
    @lshwadchuck5643 Месяц назад +14

    This is the only channel I enabled notifications on. I'm not on Spotify, but starting to think about it.

  • @VitalityMassage
    @VitalityMassage Месяц назад +19

    If something needs to be said, Jesse will get it done.

    @CLARPUS Месяц назад +33

    jesse been cookin. months of him singing out in the woods then out of nowhere hit us with a produced video with a full band backing him up and a cryptic release date drop this week in the description.

  • @EyeAmLeaning
    @EyeAmLeaning Месяц назад +364

    The fact he's posted what 3 songs in 24 hours, true inspiration

    • @larsandrune
      @larsandrune Месяц назад +2

      Nobody can write like that on their own. AI helps.

    • @peterknutson6227
      @peterknutson6227 Месяц назад +67

      ​@@larsandrune maybe you can't, but how do you think ppl did this before AI

    • @JasonDennisLynch
      @JasonDennisLynch Месяц назад +37

      ​@@larsandruneAI doesn't write allegories, sinh or compose😅

    • @Leidolfr12
      @Leidolfr12 Месяц назад +50

      Jealousy is a disease

    • @yugdails
      @yugdails Месяц назад +21

      Artists release 10-15 songs at once at times… It’s called releasing an album! Which is probably what Jesse is going to do here…Dumbass

  • @christopher9086
    @christopher9086 Месяц назад +16

    😮 dude! You just keep amazing me! The most prolific artist around right now!

  • @AverageWannabe
    @AverageWannabe Месяц назад +26

    All my flannels made in Bangladesh
    All my t-shirts in Vietnam
    There are places that we quietly ignore
    There are places that we go and bomb
    You know I thought an awful lot about Jesus
    Even more about Lao Tzu
    They say that the way of the Tao is to do nothing
    Then what the hell am I supposed to do?
    You know the harder you think, the deeper you sink
    The tighter you grip, the further you slip
    So I'm singing this song about loving
    All the people that you've come to hate
    It's true what they say, I'm gonna diе someday
    Why am I holding on to all this weight?
    You know I really thought that thеre'd be power
    In thinking half of y'all was just born fools
    Thought I was gathering oats for my horses
    I was getting by whipping my mules
    I got some bricks so thick that they don't make sense
    In the walls up in my mind
    But life is pretty short and the road's got forks
    So I take them down while I got time
    You know the harder you think, the deeper you sink
    The tighter your grip, the further you slip
    So I'm singing this song about loving
    All the people that you've come to hate
    It's true what they say, I'm gonna die someday
    Why am I holding on to all this weight?
    You know I really thought that there'd be power
    In thinking half of y'all was just born fools
    Thought I was gathering oats for my horses
    I was getting by whipping my mules

    • @FasterFaster196
      @FasterFaster196 Месяц назад +5

      Thank you!

    • @WM-jy9dz
      @WM-jy9dz Месяц назад +3

      Thank you for the lyrics... Jesse must have a Shakespearean gene somewhere... it's mind blowing...

    • @willhunt7355
      @willhunt7355 Месяц назад

      Thanks! There were those two lines before the horses and mules I hadn't got yet!

  • @amaralera
    @amaralera Месяц назад +14

    The only modern lyricism that makes me happy I ain't completely alone in sinking deeper.. Thank you for this anthem for the hated Jesse.

  • @marthalorraine6983
    @marthalorraine6983 Месяц назад +11

    Jesse Welles, now accompanied by violin. I could not love it more ❤️

  • @JimSande
    @JimSande Месяц назад +30

    America's poet, outstanding. The right people rise in the right time, and Jesse Welles is all that.

  • @susiefairfield7218
    @susiefairfield7218 Месяц назад +14

    Thank you Band for joining Jesse ….. ya rawk!

    • @PIC-RyanMatthew
      @PIC-RyanMatthew Месяц назад +2

      That is where he comes from!! Love it all!!

  • @faithlessghoul1149
    @faithlessghoul1149 Месяц назад +11

    Today's been a fucking shitty day where I'm tired of everyone's bullshit raining down on me when I'm just trying my fucking best, and that opening B-flat chord progression melted me to tears. Only work I've been able to find in over a year of searching and applications has been my part-time violin teaching position, so hearing beautiful new violin music that isn't Twinkle is like straight whiskey.

  • @kateflanagan9355
    @kateflanagan9355 Месяц назад +11

    I needed this song today. I have been feeling bogged down by a lot of what's going on the more I learn the more I fine to be upset about. I guess the song sort of reminded me that it's okay to take a step back have a breathe and be happy because being upset all the time doesn't help anybody. Love the song and the back up too.❤❤

  • @Skip2105
    @Skip2105 Месяц назад +14

    I agree with the comparisons of him and certain legendary musicians. I just really hope he lives a long life

  • @Jesse765g
    @Jesse765g Месяц назад +13

    I'm telling anyone who'll listen to listen to this guy. Can't believe how much he's writing. Hope to catch him/the band live soon somewhere.

  • @ruthfannin9990
    @ruthfannin9990 Месяц назад +11

    Love the violin with Jesse’s voice.

  • @meandmyguitars
    @meandmyguitars Месяц назад +12

    You are a gift to us all.

  • @DasHobble
    @DasHobble Месяц назад +9

    A friend of mine who lives in SoCal said the other day, as he noticed the sky turning red: "I hope it's just a sunset". Jesse, that'd make a great country tune from ya.
    This blew me away, man. Thank you.

  • @dya_dyo
    @dya_dyo Месяц назад +11

    intro & fiddle had me thinkin that the 'pistol shots ring out in a barroom night' ...then the tune took flight & had its own vibe...awesome!!

  • @SemperCallide
    @SemperCallide Месяц назад +37

    He looks like Jagger, writes like Dylan, and sings like Guthrie. What's not to love?

    • @connorgooderl5656
      @connorgooderl5656 Месяц назад +1

      I describe his band Dead Indian as imagine Kurt Cobain fronted Black Sabbath.

    • @joesphschramm3754
      @joesphschramm3754 Месяц назад +2

      @@SemperCallide he's got a bit of Prine in there

  • @tonypalmer8556
    @tonypalmer8556 Месяц назад +8

    Coffee time in the Caribou! Great way to start the day, thanks.

  • @BraceFor
    @BraceFor Месяц назад +7

    Well done, sending chills up my spine. Solid

  • @unnamedindividual8835
    @unnamedindividual8835 Месяц назад +14

    This is the man who will save rock and roll. I know it

  • @CascadiaParanormalAdventures
    @CascadiaParanormalAdventures Месяц назад +9

    Jesse totally has a Mick Jagger look in this. Mick Dylan!😂

  • @HardlyAbelson
    @HardlyAbelson Месяц назад +8

    He's been electric for years.

  • @RiverGem
    @RiverGem Месяц назад +13

    Jesus and Lao Tzu have an excellent student in you, Grasshopper.🙏 "I'm singing this song about loving all the people that you've come to hate."

  • @openmind06
    @openmind06 Месяц назад +8

    Voice of a new generation. Lyrics with meaning. Thanks Jesse!

  • @boondocksdragon8959
    @boondocksdragon8959 Месяц назад +13

    Dang, Jesse! Y’all build that thing out there in the fields you’ve been roaming? 😁 Great tune, great vibes, as always ✌🏼💚 sending Love and Light from Mississippi. Y’all stay safe and keep taking care of each other.

  • @werepyre4532
    @werepyre4532 Месяц назад +13

    This song legit made me cry. It's so good man, keep going

  • @Microwave_man_64
    @Microwave_man_64 Месяц назад +53

    Bro pulled a dylan at the 1964 folk festival on us

    • @thomasdaltonw
      @thomasdaltonw Месяц назад +5

      He’s more of a modern Phil Ochs, Dylan’s meaningful political stances were more fleeting, while Ochs devoted his life to his causes and sang with satirical and political language not present in Dylan’s music, if you love Jesse Welles and Bob Dylan, don’t forget about Phil Ochs

    • @wizardof6
      @wizardof6 Месяц назад

      and its amazing!!!

  • @sierravithica
    @sierravithica Месяц назад +14

    You sweetie are the voice of at least 2 generations. The humanity in every one of your songs is incredibly refreshing and gives me hope that there is someone out there who can see what's goin' on - blinders off.

  • @TheREZMobile
    @TheREZMobile Месяц назад +6

    Ol’boy got him a band 😮 hell yeah 🤘🏼

    • @TheREZMobile
      @TheREZMobile Месяц назад +1

      Third time listening, dude this is fire. You really nailed it guys. The mic needs less correction and less long reverb just make it sound more just exactly like his voice. Try some different mics.

  • @stuartsmith6910
    @stuartsmith6910 Месяц назад +6

    You are a blessing to this world, Jesse Welles. Thank you for the wonderful music make.

  • @T_Hub111
    @T_Hub111 Месяц назад +9

    He’s inside! And that’s a damn electric guitar! Hell ya.

  • @nancywall4894
    @nancywall4894 Месяц назад +10

    I love Jesse Welles.. He is so talented, his music is fabulous and he relates so much to the current times. Thanks Jesse!

  • @ek5635
    @ek5635 Месяц назад +11

    "You know a good song, a really good song can get the job done without the frills. Without drums, or electrified instruments, or any of that."
    "Yeah... but sometimes it sound good."
    From a conversation between Pete Seeger and Bob Dylan in the movie 'A complete unknown'
    I couldn't agree more. Can't wait for the new album, the previews sound awesome!

  • @momanamc
    @momanamc Месяц назад +8

    You, Jesse, were born for such a time as this. ❤❤❤

  • @elaineknape2634
    @elaineknape2634 Месяц назад +11

    Just love your lyrics and music. You give me hope in these times. People love you out here! Take care of yourself - Love what you share with us - but want you around a long long time.

  • @RayneNikole
    @RayneNikole Месяц назад +17

    "loving all the people that you come to hate"
    Thank you. I really needed this as a trans woman that has compassion for the world. Between that and it being well made, I've already played it loads of times

    • @rainesmusings
      @rainesmusings Месяц назад +3

      Same, and same. These lyrics really speak to me, that line especially. I've currently got this song on loop.

    • @zaczach6213
      @zaczach6213 Месяц назад +4

      I love you my friend and please take care of yourself.
      -signed a random straight white dude from the south. Stereotypes are just tools for hate but what do I know... I'm just a ignorant redneck. :)

  • @BobStrawn
    @BobStrawn Месяц назад +5

    Listening to one of the great voices of our day. He says things I have been thinking for years, and has a view that shines light on corners I missed.

  • @TheRealLange21
    @TheRealLange21 Месяц назад +7

    This is my Woody Guthrie

  • @fewstr
    @fewstr Месяц назад +8

    Just when i thought this day couldn't get any better

  • @Oldcoolc
    @Oldcoolc Месяц назад +7

    Love your music, and really excited to see you with a full band album! See you Friday.

  • @carlstigaxel
    @carlstigaxel Месяц назад +10

    love the Hurricane bob dylan feeling!

  • @JoeMama17888
    @JoeMama17888 Месяц назад +15

    My brain fried when I didn't see him in the middle of the woods

  • @spidersilva23
    @spidersilva23 Месяц назад +9

    Had to call in backup for this one. Keep on cooking brother.

  • @casieryback8932
    @casieryback8932 Месяц назад +9

    You are the gift that keeps on giving. Much love from Canada.

  • @OGFlipperbaby
    @OGFlipperbaby 6 дней назад +5

    First time I heard this guy I knew he'd be big. Amazing

  • @tracya.schneider7698
    @tracya.schneider7698 Месяц назад +12

    Keep going, Jesse! You seem to be BECOMING our FOLK HERO with you LOVELY WORDS! OUR GENERATION's (ACTUALLY YOUR generation's...) BOB DYLAN...keep writing and witnessing and singing! Thank you!

  • @PIC-RyanMatthew
    @PIC-RyanMatthew Месяц назад +6

    Cool to see you jamming with others again!!! Bravo a always!!!! One musician I would have found years ago but glad I did!!

  • @kingedwardtitus7624
    @kingedwardtitus7624 Месяц назад +9

    Wild, a true bard, there should be a club or at least an association. This one i full on cried. Thanks for keeping it real, your service and accepting your calling. I know it's a sacrifice and a blessing.

  • @bartendersdaughter6003
    @bartendersdaughter6003 Месяц назад +11

    This one should dispel any ambiguity about his philosophy. Done.

  • @capt.rickenbacker6539
    @capt.rickenbacker6539 Месяц назад +9

    Jesse's excellence triumphs again.

  • @InvisibleWarrior279
    @InvisibleWarrior279 Месяц назад +9

    You are the voice for our times 💪👍😎

  • @leannaerickson9745
    @leannaerickson9745 Месяц назад +8

    I tried to think of words to say how much I love this song, then I realized it's best to just listen.

  • @gadflyandcompany
    @gadflyandcompany Месяц назад +3

    Thank you for what you do Jesse. thank you for your voice. may grace and peace continue to be with you as you give voice to your passions.

  • @shawns4354
    @shawns4354 Месяц назад +13

    Jess had a band before called Welles. Everyone should check tthem out. They are amazing! Good to see him in a line up again!

  • @Lucy-JMG
    @Lucy-JMG Месяц назад +12

    Damn Jesse, this moved me to tears. I cant tell you how much i needed this this week. Youre a lyrical genius 💚

  • @duffell
    @duffell Месяц назад +24

    i am a 4,000 year old tree spirit inhabiting a rubber chicken and i live in a trailer park outside saskatoon. and i love this song. music is universal

    • @jevinday
      @jevinday Месяц назад

      Make sure to eat lots of spinach

  • @owenw5643
    @owenw5643 Месяц назад +4

    This guy is a work horse. He's a music making machine and he isn't sacrificing quality for quantity either!

  • @Elim_Garak
    @Elim_Garak Месяц назад +5

    Jesse’s a force of nature. When he’s performing, and we vibe with him:
    That’s the definition of communion.
    Amen! 🙏

  • @seashmore
    @seashmore Месяц назад +11

    I just heard this song and the Graveyard song, then looked up his age and was incredibly relieved to see he is over 27.

    • @katherinerosem132
      @katherinerosem132 Месяц назад +1

      young people & kids experience loss too unfortunately life is rough 🖤

    • @CumulusSkies
      @CumulusSkies Месяц назад +2

      Took me a second, but good one! Here’s to hoping he stays grounded and is surrounded by kind, caring folks.

  • @greatdane2609
    @greatdane2609 10 дней назад +6

    Heard this on the radio today. I was like, hey that's Jesse Welles!!

  • @MBHpower1
    @MBHpower1 Месяц назад +11


  • @oslonorway547
    @oslonorway547 Месяц назад +9

    Played so much in the woods, it came alive and formed a band to play with him. 😎

  • @connormcdevittart
    @connormcdevittart Месяц назад +9

    Whoever did the color grading on this video did a great job- also great job Jesse Welles👏

  • @andybyrne3542
    @andybyrne3542 Месяц назад +8

    Modern day Bob Dylan, though I fully recognize Jesse as his own.

    • @RascalKyng
      @RascalKyng Месяц назад +2

      They all draw on SAME well of brilliance...

  • @Domn879
    @Domn879 Месяц назад +6

    Who knew when Jesse was playing in the woods, he was right outside this sweet conservatory the whole time.

  • @JBaseball777
    @JBaseball777 Месяц назад +8

    Great song and love having a band this time! Nice change of type

  • @sabijea
    @sabijea Месяц назад +4

    oh my dear what a treat ! with a whole band 🙏🏻

  • @RobertBell-n8k
    @RobertBell-n8k Месяц назад +54

    We should stop with all the comparisons and just enjoy Jesse Welles’ music.

    • @neccowaif9
      @neccowaif9 Месяц назад +3

      I think that too from time to time. He’s so obviously borrowing from so many artists that have gone before…. For me, that’s a big part of the deliciousness of what he’s doing.
      People love to recognize stuff we already know. When I first saw him that was all I could do.
      But you’re right that he’s his own thing. This song at this moment! Lots of others too, of course. This one is so profoundly what is needed. Someone else called him the new new. I have to agree.

    • @mikieperson4135
      @mikieperson4135 Месяц назад +3

      ​@@neccowaif9He's always been upfront about it too! This bit from an interview he did a few years ago is so refreshing:
      "We have 50-60 years of rock and roll behind us, and I get to draw from all of it. And why not say, ‘I got this from that, and this from that, and this from that’? Because I did. Whether I want to admit or not or whether anyone else wants to admit it or not. You did. So we live with all of it. We’re blessed. The thing is, Cobain only had like…Lennon, and Bowie, and Dylan, and then some ‘80s artists that I’m not as familiar with. I get Cobain and Lennon, you know?” he said excitedly. “Why not use everything?” "

    • @pammcnulty7260
      @pammcnulty7260 Месяц назад

      It's a compliment

    • @ninelives62
      @ninelives62 Месяц назад +1

      I really believe what people are trying to say (in their way), is that they recognize that Jesse is definitely the stuff that legends are made of.
      The collective thoughts of everyone is that Jesse is well on his way to becoming as legendary as they became.

    • @dagingflowerchild733
      @dagingflowerchild733 3 дня назад

      Go for it.

  • @thetracklesspath
    @thetracklesspath Месяц назад +4 the band. Started low and now rising. God bless you Jesse Welles. 🙏😊

  • @stephaniereith7230
    @stephaniereith7230 Месяц назад +7

    I want Jesse's songs to be heard by all Americans, at least. Thanks for spreading your message.

  • @TheWordsofDW
    @TheWordsofDW Месяц назад +10

    Jesse is our woodie gunthrie

  • @patrickpepper2490
    @patrickpepper2490 Месяц назад +3

    Draggin Dixie out of the dark with music.

  • @juanitaviala
    @juanitaviala Месяц назад +14

    i'm not going back, but this takes me back to good protest songs, Welles lights a path

  • @DamienPaulLabonte
    @DamienPaulLabonte Месяц назад +4

    Jesse looks like a son of John Fogerty
    Great stuff! Great band!

  • @writinginmyhead
    @writinginmyhead Месяц назад +11

    I'm so glad I clicked on this today! ❤